No secret here, I'm an avid pro-wrestling junkie (Pro Wrestling Historian is the proper term) & @WWE has brought back a legendary tournament known for crowning some of sports entertainment's brightest future stars. Something about #MayorMuzikMondays brings out my giving nature & creative mind, lol. So in the spirit of making sure my constituents get more than they pay for at all times. I launched a contest via @Suave4Mayor (twitter/FB/IG) and promised a @Footlocker coupon to the 1st person who @'d me w/ a screenshot of a purchased or downloaded copy of #MayorMuzik2 It didn't take long for the winner to claim their prize... Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a trend, and four times is consistency. @foundation_fresh is back at it w/ #FFSNEAKERPARTY 4 hosted by @suave4mayor w/ 5 Star DJ Solo In the mix. 04.23.15 9pm-2am @ The San Fransisco Rose 3024 Greenville Ave. Dallas, Tx. 75206. Food/Drinks, #FoundationFresh tees on sale, #AJ11Lab4 raffle, and random giveaways ALL NIGHT. Fresh Fellas & Chicks w/ Kicks are all welcome to come partake of the fresh w/ us! In addition to the routine party life, there's an added bonus to our gathering. We @ #FoundationFresh believe in sharing the wealth w/ the fam as well as those who may be less fortunate than us. Therefore, #FFSNEAKERPARTY 4 will also serve as our Spring Sneaker Drive! We'll be accepting donations in all sizes of new/gently worn, clean sneakers to be given on behalf of the #FoundationFresh Sneaker Family to Villa_Garland's "Community Give Back" event on 4.25.15. We thank you in advance for your participation. #PoliticalStatus #MayorMarketing #TUA #FreshFiles #MayorMedia #SneakerHeads #IGSneakerCommunity #CampaignKickBacks #CampaignKickBacks is a new addition to where I'll be bringing you access to some of the best deals, steals, & coupons for authentic sneakers and apparel via trusted, verified retailers online. It's the Mayor's way of giving back to his constituents. Cash in on the #CampaignKickBacks after the jump...
3 up, and now 3 down. The now infamous #FondationFresh Sneaker Crew has put another #FFSNEAKERPARTY in the books, and the proof is in the pictures. Of course it's not all pics and video clips, @OHMediaINC has provided the customary write up to recap the evening and give those who missed the festivities press credentials to catch up. Get blessed after the jump #PoliticalStatus |
December 2024
December 2024
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