The #MayorMuzik EP originally released in 2011 and exclusively produced by C.G. of Manipulative Musicc was the first solo release of Suave Burgandy’s campaign comprised of all original music. The 5 song exhibition mixed and mastered by @MixedBySilent of Divine Arrangement Studios walked listeners through a myriad of sounds and emotions, while also displaying @Suave4Mayor’s unique ability to maneuver the English language towards whatever purpose he might do choose for it to serve. Long before short-run conceptual projects were all the rage for the music industry elite, @Suave4Mayor led a 18min 54 sec campaign into the introductory chapter of Mayor Muzik. Now digitally re-mastered and re-released on all streaming platforms as a pre-cursor to the forthcoming Mayor Muzik 3 #MM3, be sure to add this to your #PoliticalStatus collection.
Choose your streaming platform.11.22.19 6:30am live on @979thebeat x @liveandloca @Suave4Mayor gets his #Breakfastbars championship press conference 😎🤙🏽🏆! Tune in for the festivities, #PoliticalStatus will be in full campaign mode. #Suavetoberfest #MayorMedia #MayorMuzikMondays #MM3 #SuavetoberfestPLUS #MayorMuzik #MOACA #TUA #SkoundrelLife #DallasZu #Dallas #DfwHiphop EXCLUSIVE: click here for The OFFICIAL #TUA.COM @URBANADVOCATETV write-up and recap video via www.theurbanadvocate.comOFFICIAL Interview Footage c/o @TheBeatOn33 Follow Suave Burgandy on all social media @Suave4Mayor Watch the full interview c/o @Rakoo.Nation & #4BlockTV #TeamRKN Stay tuned to this post for highlights and content! #MayorMediaHalf of the #MOACA crew Kaution “Mr. 700” & Suave Burgandy linked up to give some #Attention to lyric deprived timelines across the Internet. Commandeering Schoolboy Q’s Alchemist Produced “Attention” track, the Compton & Dallas natives shine a heat lamp on the fast food approach to “bars” in 2019. Brought to life in ultra HD by DFW Hip-Hop documentarian BMZ of Powerbroker Entertainment, this visual starts the snowball effect for Kaution’s soon to be released “untitled” project set for December release. Follow |
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