As we kick off the yearly celebration known affectionately as IMOC (International Month of Cool) Suave Burgandy, the founding father of this month-long celebrate has vowed not to solicit donations via cash app, or urge his constituents to put themselves in harm’s way by gathering in mass groups to pay their respects. All the purveyor of #PoliticalStatus is requesting is “play like you weigh”. That’s it, just as many streams on #MayorMuzik as your vehicle, headphones, earbuds, & smart devices can handle. Inbox/DM/PM/Tag/Send @Suave4Mayor all of your reaction videos, clips of you as you #playlikeyouweigh , and whatever love you feel led to show. It's all appreciated and humbly accepted.
The hard part has already been done for you, a single link to a streamable playlist including ALL of Suave’s digitally available material on your preferred streaming platform *including a FREE stream YouTube playlist* has been pre-rolled for your convenience. Thank you for your continued support. #4MYCampaign FREE STREAM VIA YOUTUBEAPPLE MUSICSPOTIFYTIDAL
"#Suavetoberfest is the gift that keeps on giving" - S. Burgandy
#SUPERSuavetoberfestPLUS+ the #MayorMuzikMondays tailgate after the parade of #PoliticalStatus. This 40 minute non stop BAR-mitzvah (the accompanying presentation to #Suavetoberfest 2) includes features from @DonClaudeVanHam @RakimAlJabbaar @allovaovaall @helloimthrowed @Shunnie_Divine & @Rorym08 & production from @iamtheqwest, C.G. of #ManipulativeMusicc and more! Assembled and demolished x The Legendary @DanjahOne this presentation picks up where last year’s #Suavetoberfest PLUS+ blend tape leaves off & adds on plenty of frequent flyer ✈️ miles. Available on all DSPs you can can take the campaign w/ you everywhere...after all #ISSACelebrate.
Stream SUPER #SuavetoberfestPLUS+ on your preferred streaming platform.LISTEN & DOWLOAD VIA SOUNDCLOUDTURBO EDITION
Includes tracked out song listing & high quality WAV full blend tape download.
FREE STREAM VIA YOUTUBELive now for your viewing and reading pleasure @suave4mayor x @voyagedallas “Hidden Gems” series interview. Thank you to #VoyageDallas for the look. Read the full interview here: CLICK HERE
#PoliticalStatus #MayorMedia #TUA #MOACA #DallasZu #KingsmenGrooming #LifeBehindTheLaptop #BrokenPencilLogic #MayorMuzikMondays #Suavetoberfest #MM3 #FoundationFresh #Dallas #DFW #HipHop #interview #Texas Fade x @tellemtonydidit Song: I Luh Suave Prod x @breavincimarquez *Unreleased* Suave Burgandy makes a rare social media challenge appearance for Big KRIT's "Glorious Challenge", recorded 11.27.18 x @MixedbySilent @ Divine Arrangement Studios follow @Suave4Mayor on IG for the video shot x Razor Remon of The Urban Advocate. #BobbyRoode x @Suave4Mayor @bigkrit@teambigkrit_k4l #GloriousChallenge #MayorMedia #PoliticalStatus #Suavetoberfest#MayorMuzikMondays #Dallas #Texas #DFWHIPHOP #DallasHipHop #Bars #TUA #YAJB #SkoundrelLife#DallasZu #MusicVideo #Rap #BigKRIT #MixedBySilent Enjoy #PoliticalStatus access to a FREE download of the MP3 and watch the FULL HD version of the in-studio video. Follow @Suave4Mayor on IG to like, share, and support.
Three things in this life are unavoidable...Death, Taxes, and #SkoundrelLife. Produced x C.G. of Manipulative Musicc the tag team champions of verbal chaos and corruption @DonClaudeVANHAM & @Suave4Mayor known collectively as #SkoundrelLife kick off their latest title run with an ode to the power of federal reserve notes. Available on ALL streaming platforms you have no excuse to be morally bankrupt by missing out on this money in the bank.
#Halloween x #SkoundrelLife x #DeadPeople. 10/31 ? on all streaming platforms ?. @DonClaudeVanHam + @Suave4Mayor + #ManipulativeMusicc = ? ? ? #SkoundrelNation #DallasZu #Rap #HipHop #Bars #DeadPresidents #TUA #coverart #gfx #artwork #PoliticalStatus #MayorMedia #MayorMuzikMondays #YAJB #indiehiphop #independent #indie #rapmusic #sneakpeak
"The Hollin' Bout Time, That's What They Told Me / You Want This Money Don't Be Scared *** Show Me / " - Big Krit "R4 Theme Song" They say lightning never strikes in the same place twice...well THEY say a lot of things that aren't true. On Friday December 29th 2017 @ The world famous Three Links in Historic Dallas Music Destination "Deep Ellum" the Legendary "Final Fridays' Hip Hop" concert series, presented by the A-Teem closes out the year w/ what might be the coup of 2017. Check the promo video below for the line up of incredibly credible creators. So here's where things get special, after what some would consider an extended hiatus from live performance in the DFW city limits the #DallasZu is returning to the Three Links stage to form Hip-Hop's lyrically elite Voltron. For those who may not be as familiar with the works of the #DallasZu imagine rap's version of the Internationally popular, and equally controversial Pro-Wrestling Stable the "Bullet Club". A group pf brash, immensely talented, unique personalities that operate under a singular umbrella for the sheer glorification of one cause...displayed excellence. The #DallasZu Rap Fraternity reads like a heavy-hitting list of "people you should walk lightly around" when it comes to the orchestration of musical inclination. Wether it be all-time leaders in all things epic and offensively truthful in rap music #SkoundrelLife ( Don Claude & Suave Burgandy), DFW's lyrical conscience Pharoah The Don, The Anti-establishment Production duo known as the Anti-Turrdz, Soulfully-Angellic Songstress Elle Hobbs, Loose Cannon & Resident Cult Leader Blu-Ray Ogre, The Philanthropic Visionary Razor Remon of #TUA or any of the branches on this extended family tree of beautiful chaos; there's something for everyone and absolutely NOTHING to be taken lightly. Now of course being of the people we never look to leave the people out of such a grandiose soiree, this is why we're giving you a chance to choose the song that closes out the #DallasZu set on 12.29.17 right here on The Entire Soundcloud catalog is at your disposal. Any song you pick from any project is up for grabs. A poll is included below with some tried and true favorites, however your voice is the not limited to those choices. Write-ins via THIS medium, and suggested via social media, will all count in determining a winner. How will the results be revealed?'ll just have to pull up to Three Links for Final Fridays' to find out won't you?!?! Killa Kill from the ville been Kill'n it (pun intended) as of late. TMZ Live Pre-ElectionTMZ AgainThe Real...on The Real....he may very well "Run The Jewels" into a seat in office! I'd vote for him, would you?! #PoliticalStatus
Quite a few people hit me up about participating in the #SoGoneChallenge but TBH by the time they did I was pretty much over the idea of submitting anything & my #SkoundrelLife Brethen @DonClaudeVanHam had already body bagged the challenge on our behalf (click here to view). Soon thereafter Prodigy of Mobb Deep called for a #ShookOnesChallenge over one of their most classic records ever...thing is, I did that 5 YEARS AGO! Don't believe me just watch...Uploaded 10.8.2011 as part of the #MayorMuzikMondays Sea 1&2 series."you stay classy internet, i'm suave burgandy!" - @suave4mayor Undergrond Supergroup and all around breath of fresh air #SkoundrelLife , comprised of Don Claude Van Ham (@DonClaudeVanHam) & Suave Burgandy (@Suave4Mayor) are what we like to call the cool villains of rap music. Similar to the Bad guy group that gets over in pro wrestling (i.e. 4 Horseman, NWO, New Day, etc) #SkoundrelLife has made a name for themselves being brutally honest in the most entertaining ways possible.
December 2024
December 2024
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